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Chalkboard Bottles Tutorial in 7 Steps

Hi everyone!

I am always thinking about new and creative options for decoration and this one I have really enjoyed preparing.

These bottles were used as a centerpiece for several small tables decorating a 40th male birthday party with a BAR as a theme.

I wanted to be original and the colors black, white and yellow helped a lot as it was a day party and didn't wanted to be too dark. Well...

For creating these bottles I'll tell you all the easy steps than anyone can follow and be original as your imagination allows you to. Be creative! Have fun!

1. First you have to clean the bottles and remove the tags. Let them set in hot water and use a scrub brush in about two hours to scape everything off. Let it dry upside down overnight.

2. Then you cover the area of work with newspaper for the spray painting process.

3. Using a chalkboard spray paint in matte black you cover your bottle with a very thin layer of paint as you still see through the glass after that. Let it dry and repeat the process 2 more times letting it dry in between coats as recommended by the manufacturer.

4. When your bottle is dry you will do the decor at the top of the bottle. Using white glue and apply a thin layer all around it. Then using twine or yarn of your choice you will wrap the top of the bottle as long as you like it. Cut it and finish with white glue again. It will dry clear, don't worry!

5. Now your bottle is ready to receive any kind of lettering you desire. If you don't feel very confident with your hand drawing you can print and transfer your design.

Use a permanent white marker as Uni Posca for drawing your mottifs.

6. Use two thin coats of matte finish varnish to seal your work.

7. Fill 1/2 bottle with water and decorate with fresh flowers in your favorite colors. Now just get ready for the compliments!

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